India being the largest biodiversity centre in the world which is bestowed with rich flora and fauna is undergoing various transformative changes including climatic change impact on agriculture & livestock, low agricultural & livestock productivity, deterioration of natural resources, declining water table in Punjab, small and fragmented land holdings and lack of mechanization are creating new challenges for the agriculture and allied sector. In the view of this present scenario it is thus mandatory to keep the farmers updated about strategies to overcome these challenges from time to time. The Government of India through Indian Council for Agricultural Research (ICAR) has established a large network of Krishi Vigyan Kendra’s (KVKs) (Farm Science Centre’s) in each district across the country with the broader aim of assessing and refining technology in the field of agriculture, animal husbandry, horticulture, fisheries & allied sciences; knowledge dissemination and providing critical input support for the farmers with a multidisciplinary approach.
Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran under aegis of Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana, Punjab is front runner in technology transfer and serving as a focal point for the farmers, rural youth and farm women of this border district by imparting knowledge and skill through technical literacy, trainings, FLDs & OFTs. Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Tarn Taran is working broadly in the field of animal husbandry, natural resource management, soil test based fertilizer application in crops, skill development among farmers regarding agriculture, livestock and fisheries through entrepreneurship development, fodder conservation, crop residue management and crop diversification. Scientific guidance is provided to the farmers through short term and long term trainings in the field of crop production, horticulture, dairy, piggery, poultry, fishery, goat, honey bee and mushroom farming. To enhance the economic profitability of the farmers of district Tarn Taran, KVK is also focusing on value addition of agricultural and dairy produce. To alleviate poverty and to empower women Self Help Groups are being formed. Fruits (pear and guava) and vegetable crops are being promoted for better economic returns. Apart from this KVK is providing doorstep facility of university literature, mineral mixture, bypass fat, UMMB, seed and planting material to the farmers at affordable prices.
Balwinder Kumar